Reverend Albert Jackson and Mrs. Clemmie Jackson interview clip

Reverend Albert Jackson and Mrs. Clemmie Jackson interview clip
Maureen Elgersman-Lee; Reverand Albert Jackson; Clemmie Jackso
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Reverend Albert Jackson and Mrs. Clemmie Jackson on Employment: Interviewer: Okay. And are there other types of jobs that you have held? You're also pastor of – Rev Jackson: Yes... Interviewer: - Christ Temple Church? Can you talk about that? How recent that has been? A little bit of that history? Rev. Jackson: It's been about a couple of weeks ago…that I was installed. Reverend Albert Jackson and Mrs. Clemmie Jackson On Education: “Harrison loves it…He don't want to live in no place but in Maine…And, ah, my son Randy was born here and, ah, he --he's been exposed to Maine I guess ever since -- he's born here. Ah, he doesn't know any other place that, ah, -- or actually he hasn't moved but he has, ah, been here. He went to high school here, went to college. And, ah, he's, ah -- he's raising two children, him and his wife. And he -- he seems to be very satisfied -- very stable. So, you know.” Rev. Albert Jackson was born in Slabfork, West Virginia, in 1942. At the time of this interview, he had been living in the Lewiston Auburn area for around forty three years. Clemmie Jackson, Rev. Jackson’s wife, was born in Marengo County, Alabama, in 1948; at the time of this interview, she had been living in Lewiston Auburn for around three years. The couple had three sons. Rev. Jackson graduated from high school in Lewiston Auburn; Mrs. Jackson graduated high school in Alabama, and received a degree in sociology with a minor in social work from Miles College, where she worked as a counselor for a number of years after her graduation. Rev. Jackson served as an assistant pastor at Christ Temple Church, and as of this interview had just been installed as the church’s pastor. They discuss the founding and history of Christ Temple Church, prominent African American citizens and businesses in Lewiston Auburn, general reflections about living and raising a family in Lewiston Auburn, the 1965 Ali-Liston fight, and the Ku Klux Klan presence in Maine.
Christ Temple Church Employment Religion
Lewiston, ME
University of Southern Maine, Elgersman-Lee, Maureen, Jackson, Rev. Albert and Jacksonm, Clemmie (2003). Home Is Where I Make It Oral History Project. 8.
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"Reverend Albert Jackson and Mrs. Clemmie Jackson interview clip", We Exist Series 5, Digital Projects - University of Southern Maine Libraries & Learning
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